Green Ember Series Reading Order

“What is the Green Ember Reading Order?”

Thanks for caring to find out! People search for this often on the web and we get LOTS of messages about it. We try to address as many popular questions as we can at our FAQ. But we’ve got the answer for you right here about The Green Ember Series reading order.

I’m really tempted to make this like one of those recipe blogs where they say, “I’m eager to share my homemade butternut nutbutter recipe with you, but it reminds me of my old college roommate Nutty B. Buttersworth. What a nut! Nutty and I went walking in the peanut fields outside of town on a crisp, clear, crispy-clear, very cold and crispy and clear day when he had a—you guessed it—a nutty idea….”

But I won’t. Here’s The Green Ember Series reading order. (Well, one of them.) There are two great ways to experience The Green Ember Series books. You can go by publication order, or you can go by series.

By Series

  1. The Green Ember
  2. Ember Falls: The Green Ember Book II
  3. Ember Rising: The Green Ember Book III
  4. Ember’s End: The Green Ember Book IV
  5. The Lost Key (Green Ember Lost Tales 1) 
  6. The Last Archer: Green Ember Archer I
  7. The First Fowler: Green Ember Archer II
  8. The Archer’s Cup: Green Ember Archer III
  9. The Black Star of Kingston (Tales of Old Natalia 1)
  10. The Wreck and Rise of Whitson Mariner (Tales of Old Natalia II)
  11. Prince Lander and the Dragon War (Tales of Old Natalia III)

Series author S. D. Smith recommends publication order. Here it is, straight from the horse’s well-respected author’s mouth…

“Both ways are great, but I think the most enjoyable way to experience the series is by reading the books in publication order. There are lots of examples of why this is the way (this is the way), but I’ll share one. I saw a recent reviewer complain about ‘the sudden introduction of dragons’ in Ember’s End, but they would have enjoyed that if they had read The Wreck and Rise of Whitson Mariner, which set it up. Of course you can go back and read the other books after you’ve just read the main four and that will be fine.” —S. D. Smith

Publication Order

  1. The Green Ember
  2. The Black Star of Kingston (Tales of Old Natalia 1)
  3. Ember Falls: The Green Ember Book II
  4. The Last Archer: Green Ember Archer I
  5. Ember Rising: The Green Ember Book III
  6. The Wreck and Rise of Whitson Mariner (Tales of Old Natalia II)
  7. The First Fowler: Green Ember Archer II
  8. Ember’s End: The Green Ember Book IV
  9. The Archer’s Cup: Green Ember Archer III
  10. Prince Lander and the Dragon War (Tales of Old Natalia III)
  11. The Lost Key (Green Ember Lost Tales 1) 

Simply start with The Green Ember and you should be fine. You definitely do miss some things by skipping the Tales of Old Natalia and Green Ember Archer books and only reading the main four Green Ember Series books. I don’t recommend it.

If you have skipped them, I recommend going back and enjoying those as well! It will enhance the overall experience immensely and better prepare you for future Green Ember world adventures.